MIRAI 2.0 R&I Week 2023 

Sustainable cities

Björgvin Hjörvarsson, Professor, Uppsala University
Hideki Kuwahara, Professor, Sophia University
Jens Birch, Professor, Linköping University
Miho Yamauchi, Professor, Kyushu University
Sustainable cities, transportation, energy, traffic, materials science
Short workshop abstract:
The workshop “Sustainable cities” focusing on the fields of transportation, housing and energy. The workshop will start with a keynote elaborating on the question “Is the transition to sustainable society a scientific or political problem?”. With invited scholars from both Sweden and Japan, the session will cover examples from Sweden focused on traffic and energy, and examples from Japan on transportation. The session will finish with a round table discussion posing the questions “Where are we heading?”, and discussions around the finiteness of materials.