MIRAI 2.0 R&I Week 2023 

Tuesday, November 14

9:00 - 11.30     Parallel workshops

Sustainability workshop and presentation programme

Room 2

An Urban ‘Age of Timber’? Tensions and contradictions in the low-carbon imaginary of the urban bioeconomy

Associate Senior Lecturer Bregje van VEELEN, Lund University

Utilization of Digestate for Sustainable Cycle Systems of Carbon, Nitrogen and Phosphorus

Associate professor Iryna ABLIEIEVA, Associate professor Karin TONDERSKI Department of Management and Engineering - Environmental Technology and Management Linköping University

Professor Kazuei ISHII, Laboratory of Sustainable Cycle Systems, Hokkaido University.

Room 3

Environmental Sustainability Evaluation in Sub-Saharan Africa: Ecological footprint, Energy Consumption and Environmental Degradation

PhD student Josephine Andrea NIANGUE, Sophia University.

How can we draw on traditional-cultural landscapes, practices and knowledge for transformative change in the face of biodiversity loss and climate change? Comparing the Swedish and Japanese cases

Assistant Professor Stephen WORONIECKI, Linköping University; PhD student Mija KOJI, University of Tokyo. 

9:00 - 11.30     Parallel workshops continued

Ageing workshop and presentation programme

Room 1

Presentation session:
To be determined


9:00 - 11.30     Parallel workshops continued

IEAG presentation session

Room 1


How orchestrators facilitate ecosystem emergence: Technological and institutional experimentation in digital sectoral transformation

Associate Professor Henry Lopez-Vega, Umeå University

 Model Development and Data Analysis for Business Idea Generation Process on Entrepreneurship Education: Case from the GTIE Gap Fund Program

Professor Tomomi Kito, Waseda University

 Women Entrepreneurs Doing and Undoing their Motherhood

Associate Professor Magdalena Markowska, Umeå University "External Enablement of Social Entrepreneurship",

Postdoctoral Researcher Meurer, (Marie) Madeleine, Jönköping University

 "The relationship between entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial intentions"

Startup Promotion Office, Vice Director Yukiko Konishi, Nagoya University.  

Material sciences session

Room 1

Use of large scale facilities:

The session will cover presentations from experts on the large-scale facilities Spring 8, J-parc, ESS, MAX IV. The presentations will be 15 minutes per facility followed by a Q&A session.

 The second part of the session will provide presentations and discussions from Sweden on food industry, and from Japan on car industry.

The third and final part of the program will consist of a roundtable discussion for 30 minutes addressing the question; How do we increase mutual use of Japanese and Swedish large scale facilities?


AI Session

Room 1

To be determined



11.30 - 13.30

Lunch / Leadership Lunch

+ Campus Tour (optional)

13:00 - 15:00     Parallel workshops

Sustainability workshop and presentation programme

Room 3


Toward sustainable and responsible production (concept,challenges and future work)
PhD student Melina ETTEHAD, Jönköping University

Prospective sustainability assessment for life cycle designing of innovative concepts and technologies
Postdoc John Laurence ESGUERRA, Linköping University;

On the suitability of action plans for facilitating urban climate change adaptation and mitigation: An analysis of 257 plans worldwide
PhD student Prince Dacosta ABOAGYE, Hiroshima University

Investigating the Effects of Higher Education on Environmental Values: A Cross-Country Study in EuropePhD student Ana Carolina PENHA, Luleå University

The mitigation of negative environmental impacts
Associate Professor Natalia BERG, Linneaus University

13:00 - 15:00     Parallel workshops continued

Ageing workshop and presentation programme

Room 1

Presentation session:
To be determined


13:00 - 15.00     Parallel workshops continued

Material sciences session

Room 1

Theme: The role of materials for sustainability.


Fluorescent Carbon Dots from Birch Leaves for Sustainable Electroluminescent Devices

Jia Wang, Umeå University

Improving the Stability of Perovskite Solar Cells

Feng Wang, Linköping University

Architectured materials for mechanical coupling and tuned anisotropic elasticity

Mahmoud Mousavi, Uppsala University

Synthesis and function of Helical capsule polymers

Koki Hamada, Hiroshima University

13:00 - 15.00     Parallel workshops continued

AI Session

Room 1

To be determined



15:00 - 15.30

Coffee Break

15.30 - 17.00     Parallel Program

Strategic Management of Knowledge Assets

Room 1

As a researcher, you create different forms of knowledge assets that, if properly managed, can make a big difference to people and society. What do you know about how to identify and manage your knowledge assets? Do you want to explore this in more detail and get a better idea of how your knowledge assets could be refined and transformed into societal value and impact?

This workshop will give you a basic understanding of the different types of knowledge assets generated in research, and how their use can be controlled and regulated through intellectual property protection. The method for identifying, controlling and prioritising knowledge assets from your research that you will learn offers a structure that is also useful in your everyday research life. In addition to strengthening your ability to innovate, the course content can also strengthen your research.
Target group: PhD students and young researchers within all MIRAI 2.0 areas. Keywords: knowledge assets, intellectual property, impact, societal value, strengthen your research


Site Visit / Labratory Tour

More information to come.



MIRAI 2.0 Project Manager Meeting

More information to come.